The NeoPopRealism Press ANNOUNCING the INT’L ART CONTEST online. Theme: WHAT MAKES ART – ART. This contest is all about arts, talents, creativity and your vision. The best submitted images will be published in 2021 without additional fees in a book ‘WHAT MAKES ART – ART’. The Winners’ work will be featured on the cover.
ELIGIBILITY: All artists – all styles, mediums, political/religious views
JUROR: Nadia Russ (
DEADLINE: May 30, 2021. Winners will be announced May 31, 2021.
ENTRY FEE: $10 per image (1-3 works); $8 per image (4-9 works); $6 per image (10+ works). You can submit unlimited number of images.
PRIZES: The 1st Place Winner’s work goes on the front cover of a book + s/he receives a genuine black diamonds unisex INFINITY (dedication to arts) ring in silver setting. The 2nd Place Winner’s work goes also on the front cover. The 3rd Place Winner’s work does on the back cover of a book. Each winner will receive the limited edition lamination on glass plate value approx. $1,300.
REQUIREMENTS: Image(s) should be saved as .JPG files, resolution min. 300 dpi. Include the title of your work, size, medium, year of creation, your full name, brief biography, website address if you have one, and one paragraph with your personal thoughts on What Makes Art – Art.