440 Gallery Announce 20 Years and Counting 20th Anniversary Show

Brooklyn NY – 440 Gallery proudly announces their 20th anniversary show. Founded by Nancy Lunsford and Shanee Epstein in 2005, 440 was established to maintain the highest standards of artistic excellence in an inclusive, collaborative, and nurturing environment. Over the years, a […]

Explore “Unknown Worlds” at the Crary Art Gallery

The work of Warren, PA resident Cyril Jedor gives viewers a glimpse into the creative process of concept art. Earning multiple degrees in 3D Animation, Graphic Communication and Web Design, and several awards for his work, Cyril provides a look behind the […]

Pop-Up Holiday Market at the Crary Art Gallery

The holiday season is about spending time with family, being grateful for what you have, and mad-dash, last-minute holiday shopping. The Crary Art Gallery has you covered, and they’ve even thrown in a good cause. To help fellow-artists in the Asheville, NC […]

440 Gallery Announce 20th Annual Small Works Show

440 Gallery’s celebrated 20th Annual Small Works Show proves that the most valued work in a prized collection may very well be the smallest. Creativity and innovation vie for space in this exhibition with artworks measuring no more than 12 inches in […]

R.A.M. Exhibition interrogating lost and forgotten data from SD cards

Have you correctly erased your camera’s SD card? Lina A`s first UK-based solo exhibition with new photographic works sourced from forgotten SD cards – building upon a fascinating history of conceptual photography using found images. The artist brings the critical conversation surrounding […]