Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

Artspace Warehouse announces Group Show Allure and Passion

Artspace Warehouse presents Allure and Passion a group show on view June 19th – August 20th, with new artworks by Memphis artist Mark Acetelli, Arizona artists Donna Bernstein, German artists Kati Elm and Gabriele Mierzwa, and Los Angeles artists Clara Berta, David Jang, and Colleen Sandland, among many others.

Allure and Passion, 2013Mark Acetelli’s artworks reveal a chemistry of complexity and spontaneity, lyrical abstraction of the painter’s passionate strokes, many of which previously lay hidden, buried beneath strong layers of self-taught expression.

Donna Bernstein’s artistic journey into the marvel of medium and materials is breathtaking; she uses no brushes or tools to create her contemporary equestrian art. Her subliminal control of proprietary mixtures of acrylics and water-based inks and pigments, both dripped and directed, emanates from a purely intuitive space. She creates art in a personal artistic blend and signature clean, fresh style that is modern in structure yet deeply intimate.

German artist Kati Elm playfully, and with carefree abandon, creates her artworks by using different sources and the combinations of tradition and the current zeitgeist. The result of these components is a colorful, striking, timeless imagery which is designed to provide the viewer stimulation, expansion, as well as intense amusement.

Gabriele Mierzwa’s main intention is to arrange harmony and beauty. In the center of her artworks is the nude: natural and graceful. At first glance the observer is impressed by the figurative drawing. Tender color-fogs and dynamic lines form the background of the works. The observer’s fantasy itself can freely develop.

Clara Berta is a passionate, award winning mixed media, abstract artist of Hungarian heritage. Celebrated for “capturing the vulnerability in all of us,” the complex, emotional connection admirers declare they encounter in Berta’s creations is precisely what the mixed media artist says she is trying to achieve with her art.

Los Angeles artist David Jang describes his process: “As I examine the continuum of the objects, I begin to discover the hidden subtexts and hierarchies these objects uphold—the social orders they sustain or subvert and the relationships they facilitate or fail. I attempt to foster a self-revelatory creative process, one that is empirical yet open-ended. In this way my work results, not in forced conversation, but in quasi-scientific discovery.”

Colleen Sandland uses bold, bright and vibrant color trios and intricate details to draw the viewer in. According to Colleen, “Art is my main source of adherence, balance and perseverance in my life. Beauty is something I replicate and it is a constant theme in my work.

Curated by: Claudia Deutsch

Artspace Warehouse
7358 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036