Monthly Archives: August 2011

98 posts

Museum Of Russian Icons Extends Exhibition

The Museum Of Russian Icons has extended it’s exhibition “Exploring Sanctity: Paths to Sainthood Unveiled” until October 1. The new exhibition showcases twenty-four icons in the Museum of Russian Icons collection that illustrate the unique and iconoclastic journeys of ordinary people to […]

frieze Celebrates 20th Anniversary

The anniversary issue celebrates the past and the future. For the 20th anniversary issue frieze asked 20 artists whose work has been on the cover of frieze to nominate a contemporary artist whose work inspires them. Artists, including Doug Aitken, Charles Atlas, […]

Gwangju Design Biennale 2011

The Gwangju Biennale Foundation and Artistic Directors, Seung H-Sang and Ai Weiwei, are pleased to announce the fourth edition of Gwangju Design Biennale, opening September 1, 2011. Titled Design is Design is not Design, the Gwangju Design Biennale will present 130 designers […]

fotofever Paris Photography Art Fair Announced

In November 2011, Paris will be the world’s main stage of photography. Visitors, professionals, collectors, and journalists and photographers will gather for an incredible week dedicated to photography. Enthusiastic with the effervescent market of photography, Paris is hosting a new event: fotofever. […]