To commission a portrait is appealing on many different levels; to those who appreciate unique art, others who never get the right results from studio portraits or for those who want to do something original. A portrait can also prove to be […]
Daily Archives: January 17, 2011
8 posts
Mike Weiss Gallery presents Tunnel Vision, the second solo show at the gallery by Los Angeles based artist Christian Vincent. This show consists of eight large-scale oil paintings in which the artist deconstructs notions of the collective. This exhibition is on view […]
The Art Institute of Chicago announce the appointment of Elizabeth Hurley as the museum’s new Vice President for Development, effective February 14, 2011. In this capacity, Hurley will assume responsibility for overseeing all aspects of the museum’s fundraising goals—including the Annual Fund, […]
Irma Stern’s pre-eminent place in South African Art will be clearer than ever at Bonhams next sale in London on March 23, at which pictures estimated to sell for millions of pounds are on offer. Giles Peppiatt, Director of South African Art, […]
The Museum of Modern Art presents the first major museum exhibition devoted to the full scope of the career of Willem de Kooning, widely considered to be among the most important and prolific artists of the 20th century, from September 18, 2011, […]
The Contemporary Arts Museum Houston presents Perspectives 173: Clifford Owens on view: through April 3, 2011. The Contemporary Arts Museum is pleased to present the first solo museum exhibition of work by New York-based photographer and performance artist Clifford Owens. Often incorporating […]
Finnish photo artist Susanna Majuri (*1978) is the storyteller of the North. In her pictures, her thoughts always return to Iceland, the land of her dreams. The wondrous island with its glaciers, waterfalls and geysers has long held her in its thrall. […]
The American Museum of the Moving Image presents Real Virtuality an exhibition on view through June 12 2011. The six installations in this exhibition were created by artists and technologists with backgrounds in architecture, painting, filmmaking, video art, and software engineering. They […]