Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

Gallerie Rouge Hosts Exhibition of Contemporary Poster Designer/Printer David Lance Goines

Cherry Creek-based vintage poster retailer Gallerie Rouge will host an exhibit of 19 works from renowned poster designer, calligrapher and printer David Lance Goines from May 8 through May 30, 2009 at 290 Columbine Street, Denver, Colo. An opening reception will take place on Friday, May 8th from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. Goines may be best recognized for his longtime partnership with chef Alice Waters of Chez Panisse for whom he has created an anniversary poster each year since 1968.

Goines founded Saint Hieronymus Press in 1968, located in the same print shop where he’d completed an apprenticeship. His work continues there today: designing and printing posters via letterpress and photo-offset lithography. Influences include Jugendstil, the German expression of the Art Nouveau movement, and most notably the German artists Lucian Bernhard and Ludwig Hohlwein.

Goines is a poster maker in the traditional sense; his clients come to him with commissions for posters to announce events or publicize a business or product. This public aspect of his work combines with an uncompromised aesthetic integrity to create a true modern revival of the medium of fine poster art.

Unlike most contemporary poster makers who send their designs to commercial printers to be mechanically processed, Goines does all of the production work himself. His use of photo-offset lithography is unique; instead of the usual four color separation process of modern offset printing, which results in an overall dot pattern, Goines makes separate solid tone plates for each color he uses, ranging in number from four to as many as 25. The colors created in this often painstaking manner are extraordinarily subtle and complex.

The David Lance Goines exhibit and sale runs through May 30th. Custom framed prices range from $350 to $650.

About Gallerie Rouge
Founded in 1994, Gallerie Rouge is Denver’s premiere vintage, commercial art poster dealer with more than 300 fine art lithographs for sale in-house as well as the meticulous research skills required to locate any poster on any subject, worldwide. Specialty subjects available at the retail location range from classic and contemporary film promotions and cycling to travel themes and Eastern European artists. Owner Lisa Tyler also operates Cherry Creek Framing housed within the gallery. For more information, please visit or call 720.318.7556.

Gallerie Rouge is a member of the Independent Vintage Poster Dealers Association (IVPDA), an organization created to educate poster art buyers and to promote the appreciation of the wide variety of vintage posters from around the globe. With more than 80 members, IVPDA provides strict guidelines to ensure the authenticity of the posters offered for sale and promotes ethical and fair business practices. More information can be found at

Contact: Lisa Tyler, Gallerie Rouge