Los Angeles – Anthony Eckelberry has crafted several titanium art pieces that are framed as paintings and have the excitement of a new form of abstract art.
Anthony’s titanium work has been featured in magazines such as Elle Décor and Stainless Steel World. Some of the pieces can be viewed on the Saatchi Online website at: http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk
Explains Anthony: “I was looking at titanium jewelry and the lovely colors that the material can take on. I then researched how to accomplish the colors on a larger scale that results in framed titanium panels that take on a glow of their own due to the surface texture of the material, coupled with a treatment that gives the opportunity of combining several colors on the same piece.”
Titanium can be colored with an industrial process that can yield colors such as blue, green, yellow and even purple. Anthony Eckelberry enhances the colors by a process of preparing the metal prior to coloring.
This medium employs a very modern substance, demonstrating some of the different ways that light can interact with materials. “If our long-ago ancestors used clay and ash to make cave paintings, what is more natural than for us to look at new materials around us and turns those into art?” asks Anthony.
Most of the initial run of several art pieces has been sold out but more are planned.
About Anthony Eckelberry:
Anthony Eckelberry is a Los Angeles architect that specializes in structures with a contemporary sensibility and modern materials.