Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

The Gowanus Superfund Site: Artists, Stewardship, and the Canal

Andrea Parker, Executive Director of the Gowanus Canal Conservancy, will introduce the complex urban ecology of the Gowanus Canal and Watershed and discuss the diverse roles citizen stewards can play in improving ecological health.

Arts GowanusThis event is presented as part of the exhibit, All In: Swimming the Gowanus, a multi-media show about water. Exhibit runs May 6-26th, 2015. Call for additional gallery hours.

All In: Swimming the Gowanus brings together a diverse group of artists, water advocates, and explorers who engage our imagination, perceptions, and understanding of water with a focus on the Gowanus Canal.

Artists exhibited: Denise Amses, Ai Campbell, Chris Cosma, Eymund Deigel, Miska Draskoczy, Karen Gibbons, Sarah Gorham, Hans Frode, Steven Hirsch, Mikael Levin, Robin Michal, Alex Nero, Peter Reich, Effie Serlis, Tony Stanzione, Christopher Swain, David Weiner.

Arts Gowanus is an arts not-for-profit organization working in the neighborhoods surrounding the Gowanus Canal. Our Gowanus is creative, collaborative, and community-focused. We work to make Gowanus a creative neighborhood that cultivates the arts by nurturing artist-to-artist relationships, connecting artists to the community, and connecting the community to the arts.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015
6:30 – 8:00 pm

165 7th Street (betw 2nd – 3rd Avenue)
Gowanus, Brooklyn

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