Oscillating between a thoroughly meticulous technique and fluid, ethereal abstraction, Italian painter Roberto Del Fabbro draws from his dreams. His compositions structured yet organic, the artist conjures illusory images that are as natural as they are imagined. His palette is limitless, dexterously and masterfully oscillating between jewel and primary tones. With kaleidoscopic shapes and forms elegantly morphing and surfacing on his canvases, Del Fabbro’s works are painterly visions of how he himself sees the world. “I see the world as a leaf,” he explains. “When I finish a painting I think that it is a way of materializing the essence of the leaves and diffusing this essence to those who have never felt the wonderful sensations that nature can offer.” The result is a series of enticing, attractive paintings that also act as calls for us to pause and immerse ourselves in the magnificence that surrounds us in our own environments. With the poignancy of poetry, these paintings are an entry into a true appreciation of nature.
An Italian native, Roberto Del Fabbro lives and works in Rome and Umbria. He is also an architect.
Exhibition Dates: December 17, 2013 – January 9, 2014
Reception: Thursday, December 19, 2013, 6-8 pm
Gallery Location: 530 West 25th St, New York City
Gallery Hours: Tues – Sat, 11a.m. – 6 p.m.
Event URL: http://www.agora-gallery.com/artistpage/Roberto_Del_Fabbro.aspx
About the Exhibition
Through the artwork of Sensorial Realms the audience is reminded of the unending power of curiosity to illuminate aspects of both ourselves and our lives. The creations resonate on a visual, mental and emotional level, touching the audience in multiple and manifold ways. The artists whose works appear in Pathway to Abstraction present their individual perspectives in entertaining and energetic pieces whose considerable appeal lies in their ability to shed new light on old mysteries while leaving new secrets tantalizingly hidden. The works in The Odyssey Within display a degree of enlightened introspection that is both rare and intensely alluring. Combined with a perceptive view of the world, the result is a collection of unforgettable and enduring art.
Featured Artists:
Sensorial Realms
Susan E. Ash | Laurent Bardou | Jane Coco Cowles | Fred Di Vito | Manuel Franch | Alan Mantle | Alain Patrini | Kate Piekutowski | Miguel Pineiro | Marie-Luise Quandt | Dorothy Slikker | Tony Tichene | Solveig Edda Vilhjálmsdóttir | Marcus Viljoen | Ursel Wilhelm
The Odyssey Within
Sergio Boldrin | Matilde Calamai | Silvio Cortellini | Roberto Del Fabbro | Marco Klee Fallani | Giulio Cesare Matusali | Ludmilla Radchenko | Luigi Serra da Teramo
Pathway to Abstraction
Dan Bunea | Yves Chamly | Antonia Covarrubias | Leander Fontaine | Ángela García | Kristina Garon | Darci Gerhard | Erasmo Jorge Gomez | Yaraslav Klimkouski | Leo Komuro | Masoome Moradkhani (“Masi”) | Lili | Shireen Mussa | Heebeom Park | Julian Van Dyke | Juan Vicente Vega | Oscar Zamora