Since its inception in September 2005, VernissageTV Art TV has produced more than 1250 segments about contemporary art, design and architecture. VernissageTV has been launched with the aim to expand the coverage of art, design and architecture and to make it available any time. Focus since the beginning are the series No Comment and Interviews. Over the years, VernissageTV was able to gain a loyal audience and key alliance and distribution partners, and increase the spread and popularity of the videos VernissageTV continuously. VernissageTV films are now available on a variety of platforms and networks. They can be viewed on the television at home, at the computer and on mobile devices.
The in-house production, programming and distribution are the core of the activities of VernissageTV. In addition to that, VernissageTV realizes more and more commissions for museums, cultural institutions, art galleries, and corporate and private collections. There are several productions in the works, which will be completed in the second half of 2010. In the first half of 2010 a total of nine productions were realized, including the following work:
For the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum in Basel, VernissageTV realized the documentation of the exhibition “Environments and Counter Environments: Experimental Media in” Italy: The New Domestic Landscape, MoMA 1972″, including interviews with the co-curators Luca Molinari and Peter Lang.
For the Non-Profit Foundation Velux Stiftung, VernissageTV realized portraits of the winners of the Foundation’s Daylight-Award.
For the International Design Museum Die Neue Sammlung / Pinakothek der Moderne and Alessi, the Italian kitchenware company that is well-known for its design awareness, VernissageTV produced a report from the opening of the exhibition “Oggetti e Progetti. Alessi: Storia e futuro di una fabbrica del design italiano / Thirty Years of Italian Design” and a interview Alessandro Mendini, the world famous designer who has been working with Alessi for many years.
For the Schaulager in Basel, VernissageTV realized a video tour of the current exhibition Matthew Barney: Prayer sheet with the Wound and the Nail and the documentation of the media conference.
For the New Media Institute in Basel, VernissageTV realized an exhibition tour in conjunction with an interview with the pioneers of the Net-Art, Eva and Franco Mattes aka
For the Zurich University of the Arts VernissageTV realized a documentary of this year’s Master of Fine Arts Exhibition in Shedhalle in Zurich.
About Vernissage TV
VernissageTV is the Internet’s unique TV art project, which covers exhibitions and events in the fields of contemporary art, design and architecture. The objective is to give an authentic insight into the world of art by the means of film and video. VernissageTV materializes as video podcast / Internet TV channel / video archive. VernissageTV videocasts two series: The “No Comment” section and the interviews with the protagonists of the art world. VernissageTV is widely distributed via its website and Internet TV networks. Founded in September 2005 VernissageTV is growing steadily. Until now VernissageTV produced, published and archived over 1250 episodes.