Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

RGI New Graduates Exhibition 2010

A heady combination of Glasgow’s Oldest Art Institute and Glasgow School of Art’s newest Graduates

Historic artists’ organization, the Royal Glasgow Institute (RGI) is hosting its first ever exhibition showcasing the work of young artists who recently graduated with Fine Art Degrees from Glasgow School of Art.

Fourteen handpicked graduates will exhibit work that ranges from nstallations and 3-dimensional models to more traditional paintings and drawings. This includes a wide range of studio work not seen at the degree shows.

Work on show includes Alistair Gow’s sensitive prints of the spaces at the Art School, Dominic Samsworth’s provocative light installation, Tilde Engelstrom’s theatrical depiction of the human figure and Kirsty Palmer’s perceptive material-driven sculptures.

Award winning artist Patricia Cain, who has recently been appointed curator for the RGI’s Kelly Gallery, said ‘ This is a real departure for the RGI in terms of the way it supports emerging talent. It’s really nice to get to know these artists at the beginning of their careers and I hope show is something very concrete to add to their CV’s’.

The RGI, whose remit since 1861has long been to promote contemporary art in Scotland, is used to supporting emerging artists through its annual exhibition which has a wide range of prizes that provide great opportunities to further the career of young artists.

The New Graduates exhibition is part of larger plans the RGI has to support emerging talent generally. It is also planning, in conjunction with the Norma Frame foundation, a countrywide competition for architectural drawing for January 2011.

All work in the exhibition will be for sale.

Press and Private View: 3rd July 2010 6.00- 9.00pm

RGI Kelly Gallery
118 Douglas Street, Glasgow G??
Open Weekdays during Exhibitions:
10.30am – 5pm Mon-Fri, 10.00 to 1.00 Sat Admission Free

Patricia Cain
Kelly Gallery Curator
0141 334 2183/ 07855059029

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