Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

Art Authority App for Apple iPad

Open Door Networks Inc. and Project A Inc. (“We-Envision”) today announced that they are shipping Art Authority for the iPad through the iTunes App Store. Art Authority, specifically designed for Apple’s new groundbreaking device, brings 40,000 high-resolution classic works of art to iPad users’ fingertips. The app stunningly displays paintings and sculptures by over 1000 major western artists from ancient times to today. The app is part world-class art museum, part academic reference library and part digital coffee-table book.

Art Authority takes advantage of the iPad’s large multi-touch display to provide an enthralling, life-like user experience. Users begin in an eye-catching central gallery, and from there are guided through professionally designed rooms for key artistic periods, to rooms for individual artists. The rooms provide a lavish setting for the stunning works, which are framed and hung chronologically on the walls. Plaques provide titles, dates and other details of each work. Users can view works sequentially, or in impactful full-screen slide shows and scrolling thumbnail image displays.

Art Authority is not just enthralling, but also educational. Almost without being aware, users learn about major art periods, movements, artists and works of art. At any point they can also delve into the historical details of a particular period or artist. Thumbnail displays provide insight into how artists’ works evolve over time. The app is also an invaluable reference source, with direct access to an artist’s works and history, by name or period.

“Art Authority and the iPad are made for each other,” said Alan Oppenheimer, president of Open Door Networks. “They combine the classic and the modern into a magical product that’s incredibly beautiful, incredibly educational and just plain fun. You have to see it, and touch it, to believe it.”

We-Envision worked with consultants on both art selection and room design for Art Authority. Most of its 10GB of art is hosted on the companies’ servers, optimized for download speed and resolution. More recent art, still under copyright, is downloaded and displayed from authorized Web sites using the companies’ iEnvision Web-image browsing technology.

Art Authority is the pinnacle of the companies’ line of over 100 “Envi” Web-image browsing apps. Available in the iTunes App Store since that store opened, “Envi” iPhone apps display Web-based images of all varieties, from art to cars to haircuts to parks to quilts to space and beyond. Art Authority is also available for the iPhone and the Macintosh. The price for all versions of Art Authority is $9.99. Details, including a complete artist list and FAQ, are available on the Art Authority Web site. A YouTube video is also available.