The Holburne has acquired for its Collection a painting by the celebrated 18th century artist William Hoare. The acquisition of a superb portrait The Pitt Family of Encombe has been made possible through a grant from independent charity The Art Fund, the generous help of the MLA/V&A Purchase Grant Fund, the Beecroft Bequest, the Friends of the Holburne, David Posnett in memory of his mentor Harold Leger, and a private donor.
When the Holburne re-opens to visitors in 2011, The Pitt Family of Encombe, painted by Bath’s foremost painter at the time, William Hoare, will join old favourites by Gainsborough, Ramsay and Stubbs in the Museum’s spectacular collection of 18th century British portraits.
Andrew Macdonald, Acting Director of The Art Fund said: “It is entirely fitting that this accomplished portrait of a well-known Dorset family by an esteemed local artist be housed in one of Bath’s finest museums. William Hoare thought highly of this work and I’m very pleased that The Art Fund has been able to help bring it back to Bath.”
Amina Wright, Curator of Fine Art at the Holburne, said: “In its Georgian heyday, Bath was second only to London as a centre of cultural excellence, and we are delighted that this important and beautiful work by one of Bath’s most famous artists of the time will be back in Bath for everyone to enjoy when the Holburne re-opens in 2011.”
Image: William Hoare, “The Pitt Family of Encombe”