Root Division is to present a November Second Saturday event, an exhibition of new Bay Area sculpture and installation, guest-curated by local artist and curator John K. Melvin.
The work in RAW has a distinct materiality, and each of the artists is uniquely aware of its presence. Whether assembled from found objects or crafted from items not typically associated with fine art, the sculptures and installations featured in this show work to declaim the fundamental appeal of objectness.
Artists like Colby Claycomb, Brandon Truscott, and Izumi Yokoyama evoke their own personal narratives by exploiting the built-in meaning of used materials. Others, like Barry Beach, John K. Melvin, and Kit Rosenberg take a more detached approach, boiling down a conceptual premise to its most essential material elements. But regardless of how each artist approaches their work, there is a shared enthusiasm to maintain the integrity of the chosen medium.
3175 17th Street (at S. Van Ness)
San Francisco, CA 94110