Sam Fogg, one of the great dealers in Medieval Art, is bringing to New York a rare exhibition of precious objects. The project is undertaken in collaboration with Richard L. Feigen & Co. It is titled “Medieval Art and the Contemporary Spirit” and will be held from Thursday October 29, 2009 to Friday, February 5, 2010. The objective is to orient medieval objects to contemporary concepts and spaces.
The Olivetan Master (Girolamo da Milano) (fl. 1429-d.1449) and the Master of the Lodi Choir Books (fl. 1419-1440). Detail of “Monks Singing the Office” (f.9v), from a Gradual (Use of the Olivetan Benedictines), ca. 1439-1447. Italy, Lombardy, Santa Maria di Baggio near Milan. Manuscript illuminated on vellum
The exhibition will include sculpture, works of art, miniatures and manuscripts. Among the exhibition highlights will be a gilded and polychromed walnut figure of Saint Peter attributed to Claus de Werve and intended for the Altar Frontal of the “Coronation of the Virgin” at the Cistercian Abbey of Theuley, Franche-Comté; an extraordinary late 12th-century carving of Belial, the embodiment of evil, probably from the Cathedral pulpit at Calvi Vecchia, near Capua; a prayer-book made for Giangaleazzo Visconti, First Duke of Milan, illuminated by Pietro da Pavia, with additional decoration for Francesco Sforza, fourth Duke of Milan, by Belbello da Pavia, made in Pavia or Milan c. 1390 and c. 1458; and a Monumental Gradual made for the Benedictine Olivetans of Lombardy, illuminated by the Olivetan Master and the Master of the Lodi Choir Books and preserved in its original early fifteenth-century binding.
The works of art Sam Fogg has selected, with Richard L. Feigen & Co., are outstanding examples of their respective fields, spanning from the 12th to the early 16th-centuries and originating in France, Italy, Burgundy and Germany.
Sam Fogg is an internationally renowned connoisseur in Medieval sculpture, stained glass, illuminated manuscripts, Ethiopian and Armenian art, Islamic calligraphy and Indian paintings. His clients number among the world’s major institutions and private collections.