Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

PEDNO – Unbound Perspectives Exhibition at Agora Gallery

The Agora Gallery is proud to present PEDNÒ in our upcoming exhibition in Unbound Perspectives . Scheduled to run from June 2nd through June 23rd, 2009 the collection will feature a captivating selection of PEDNÒ’s glamorous paintings.

Pedno – Stare

PEDNO’s paintings look you right in the face. His daring works seethe with personality, featuring sumptuous modeling of flesh, rich flowing hair and riveting eyes. PEDNO has an uncanny way of capturing the soul of an individual, behind the often-eccentric outer personas we find complex individuals rendered with a great sensitivity and in striking detail .

The models both real and imaginary featured in his paintings peer from behind a fierce gaze or lustful posture yet it seems that PEDNO is imploring us to explore below the surface of his figures as well as within our own selves; we are indeed more than the sum of our parts. “We have to find our own place, our own style, take a journey deep into yourself to find what you have to say,” he states. Yet his works remain highly seductive, the startlingly beautiful people are not to be disregarded and his treatment of backgrounds and finishing touches of frenetic brushwork contribute to a voguish aesthetic. His background as a hairdresser has contributed to an acute awareness of beauty and all the glory that it can bring. Working on real people throughout the day has created an unusual and startlingly individualistic art form that is exceedingly magnetic. PEDNO markets and sells his work with great success, last year alone selling forty-two pieces. He lives and works in Montreal.

About Agora Gallery

Agora Gallery ( is a fine art gallery located in the heart of New York City’s Chelsea art galleries district that was established in 1984 and is famous for showcasing a spectacular array of talented artists from around the world and around the corner, while providing quality and original art to collectors. The gallery also publishes ARTisSpectrum Magazine, a bi-annual magazine that is distributed to museums, galleries, art institutions and art schools around the world. It provides artists, collectors, museums, galleries, art organizations and enthusiasts with access to the work of internationally talented emerging and mid-level artists as well as feature articles, reviews and interviews .

PEDNÒ’s work may be seen on

Exhibition Dates : June 2, 2009 – June 23, 2009
Reception : Thursday, June 4, 2009, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Gallery Location : The Agora Gallery / 530 West 25th St, New York City
Gallery Hours : Tues – Sat, 11a.m. – 6 p.m.