Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

Performance art touchs the hearts of Clooney and Pitt – Common donation for children suffering from cancer

After his participation in the Film Festival in Cannes last May, the German performance artist and painter Christophe Didillon recently travelled to the Venice Film Festival (65. Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia). Again wearing a Spider-Man costume, the artist from Germany called attention to his art project to the benefit of children suffering from cancer. His action project just began with an adventure, so Didillon: When I came near to the Festival building with red carpet, I was arrested immediately. At first, I thought this would be an original joke, but it wasn’t, not at all. “Ban on wearing masks – Risk of terror!” I was astonished, put well behaved up with the personal search and the following preparation of the tracing profile. After one hour, I was released, and I continued – quite deflated – walking across the Festival area in my Spider-Man costume: indeed, without the mask. When I went back to my accommodation in the evening, I dropped in a millinery, and when I discovered this beautiful red traditional Venezian tricorne in the window, I just became a real teaser and thought, “I will show them!” Resolutely, I bought the hat and appeared on the Festival area at the next day, wearing this tricorne combined with my costume. I was brought to a stop again: “Risk of terror – Ban on wearing hats!” Obviously, just for me. The weather was very hot, and there were several passers-by wearing (admittedly less extravagant) hats. That’s why I felt not deterred or even intimidated by this ban. So I carried on wearing my hat and met a reporter from Los Angeles, who gained interest in the story. We both went to the security desk at the main entrance of the Festival, and proudly wearing my hat I formally demanded to be arrested, because I won’t accept the ban. They called the chief in charge, and, quite surprised at my indignation, he “allowed” me to wear hat and costume at the Festival area. The pleasure kept not very long. At the following day, when I got in trouble with the State Police for the third time, and they tried on pain of dubious penalties to send me off, I just thought, “Enough is enough!” So I created a placard with the headline, “ITALIAN STATE POLICE HAS NO HEART FOR CHILDREN HAVING CANCER!”, curtly depicted my adventure. Shortly after I presented myself in a good position at the main entrance with the placard, there came few policemen and security guards in uniform and plain clothes. Under supervision of the press the police seemed helpless, and they stood around me for a while. They nervously talked with their walkie-talkie, made photos of evidence, and then…that’s all. From that moment, they never disturbed me again. Not only that the policemen let me do in peace my art project for the sick children, they even greeted me cordially when we met. Definitely, I had won that fight. Unfortunately, the press on site reported only about my experience with the hat ban, but not about my action project for the children. Because of this, it was much more difficult to win the public in Venice over my idea than it was in Cannes. However: When I protested against the manners of the police, a journalist from a film magazine in Beijing interviewed me. When I gave my answers in Mandarin Chinese he was so overwhelmed and enthusiastic that he spontaneously offered me to lobby for my desire, when he will meet Brad Pitt and George Clooney. He told me to have an interview with the two great actors at the same evening. The days passed by, (to my easing) less spectacular. One day, when I walked absolutely lost in thought along the Grand hotel Excelsior, I suddenly was addressed by a very polite gentleman, who revealed himself as representative of Brad Pitt and George Clooney. The agent told me that the both artists are very enthusiastic and impressed with my passionate efforts to help children suffering from cancer. Unfortunately, due to a lack of time there is no chance for a personal meeting with them, but they want to show me that they appreciate my dedication very much. So they like to do a bountiful donation. It was a great pleasure for me to hand over to the agent of Mr Pitt and Mr Clooney the flyer with contact and further information about the parents’ association working on fund raising to the benefit of children suffering from cancer. With a shouting and cheering of my heart and my inner soul I left the scene of action. My activities had begun with so many troubles, but they yielded fruits finally. After this great experience, I could enjoy my stay in Venice in fantastic weather. I am just able to tell you that a trip to Venice is always worthwhile. Sooner or later, it will enchant everybody.
Thank you very much Andy Liu, Reporter from World Film Report Magazine in Beijing. Obviously, you kept your promise. Last but not least, I want to thank the POLIZIA DI STATO (the Italian “FBI”), too. Without your “help” I never had a chance to win the attention of Brad Pitt and George Clooney. Thank you very much again…”
After his unexpected success explains the German artist that his project will be continued: “There is enough to do, and I will apply my efforts to another society benefiting children suffering from cancer as well.”

Tags: action art, art, Brad Pitt, Camino de Santiago, Cancer, Cannes, Children, Christophe Didillon, Didillon, Festival, Film, George Clooney, Hollywood, Kinder, Krebs, Kunstmaler, Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia, painter, SPIDER-MAN, Venedig, Venice

Eschenweg 1
D-26506 Norden / Germany
Telefon +49 (0) 49 31/120 22

Christophe Didillon (* 1971 in Aurich) is a German sinologe (M.A.), performance artist and painter (acrylic collages). He established at Cannes Film Festival 2008 his chARiTy-ART project in order to win prominent persons for his idea to create common paintings with him. Didillon wants to sale the paintings by auction to the benefit of a society which helps children and juveniles suffering from cancer.

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