The eighth edition of Caderno Sesc_Videobrasil was edited by Moacir dos Anjos (curator of the 29th Bienal de São Paulo and the Panorama de Arte Brasileira at the Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, 2007, among other shows). Caderno Sesc_Videobrasil is an annual bilingual publication featuring an in-depth look at the contemporary scene, from a multidisciplinary, critical perspective, with the collaboration of artists and writers.
Francis Alys, fragment from the essay “Le juif errant,” 2012, for Caderno Sesc_Videobrasil 8. © Courtesy of the artist.
The theme picked by Dos Anjos for this edition, Pertença, relates to the notion of belonging, amidst the tangled web of relationships and reflections of current times. The processes of social change and internationalization constitute the factors of a dilemma which involves the blurring of boundaries of national identity on the one hand and the affirmation of regional cultural idiosyncrasies on the other.
This Caderno edition interacts with the project from a show cocurated by the editor and professor Laymert Garcia dos Santos (Unicamp, São Paulo). Other collaborators include the American writer and artist Jimmie Durham, Swiss researcher Christian Kasper, the Brazilian artists Cao Guimarães, Paula Trope, Regina Parra, and Paulo Nazareth, the Belgian artist Francis Alÿs, and the Palestinian artist Emily Jacir.
The plurality of voices featured in the publication reflects the complex character of the matter at hand: to Moacir dos Anjos, the book “proposes to explore some of the paradoxes that have often made the first years of the 21st century seem like a time when disputes are being transcended, while, on the other hand, they seem to be intensifying…. The wide context of this investigation is the gradual fraying—observed and promoted throughout recent decades—of the mechanisms of organization and of political-spatial representation which long held sway everywhere…. This Caderno can thus be taken as a set of notes for an unfinished conversation….”
Each Caderno Sesc_Videobrasil edition is structured out as an editorial curated program of its own, with each editor-curator having total freedom to build their publication using essays, interviews, texts, and original works from researchers, critics, and artists. Past editions have been developed by Lisette Lagnado, Rodrigo Moura, Fernando Oliva, Marcelo Rezende, José Augusto Ribeiro, and Hélio Hara. –