MMK Museum fur Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main presents Making History a photographs exhibition, on view through 8 July 2012.
Viktoria Binschtok, “body#12″, 2009, from the series “Suspicious Minds.” © Courtesy of the artist / Galerie Klemm’s, Berlin.
MAKING HISTORY is the main exhibition of RAY 2012 Fotografieprojekte Rhein/Main. The exhibition highlights outstanding international contemporary photography and video art that debate the power of public images: How do historical events express themselves in images today? How do we experience and consume them? How do photographs influence our view of history? What images are presented to us and what images are withheld? 38 artists from over 12 countries collected here explore pivotal questions regarding the historical image of the present.
Each of the different exhibition sites of MAKING HISTORY has its own thematic emphasis. The art work at the Frankfurter Kunstverein deals primarily with media images and aspects of the mediatization of events. At the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst, artistic positions are brought together which use photographic images to reconstruct history and make it experienceable. At the MMK Zollamt, the emphasis is on stylizations and distortions that populate media dream worlds like glamour photography, paparazzi shots, or advertising manifests. Two public projects unite the three participating exhibition venues and present artists whose works explore forms of documentation.
About RAY 2012
With RAY 2012, the Rhine-Main region is establishing itself as an important site of contemporary photography. For the first time, nine strong partners worked together to enable this event: Art Collection Deutsche Börse, the Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, the DZ BANK Kunstsammlung, the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, the Frankfurter Kunstverein, the Marta Hoepffner-Gesellschaft für Fotografie e.V. in the Stadtmuseum Hofheim am Taunus, the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main, the Städel Museum and the Opelvillen foundation, Rüsselsheim, followed the initiative by the cultural fund Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain
Participating artists Making History
Taysir Batniji, Nina Berman, Viktoria Binschtok, Robert Boyd, Black.Light Project, Luc Delahaye, Thomas Demand, Harun Farocki, Omer Fast, Samuel Fosso, Kathrin Günter, Hofmann&Lindholm, James Howard, Alfredo Jaar, Sven Johne, William E. Jones, Barbara Klemm, Petra Köhle and Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin, David LaChapelle, Eva Leitolf, Armin Linke, Gustav Metzger, James Mollison, Simon Norfolk, Peter Piller, Elodie Pong, Paul Qaysi, The Atlas Group/Walid Raad, Jo Ractliffe, Doug Rickard, Martha Rosler, Michael Schmidt, Frank Schramm, Manit Sriwanichpoom, Hank Willis Thomas, Oliviero Toscani, Jeff Wall, Michael Wolf.
Anne-Marie Beckmann (Art Collection Deutsche Börse), Lilian Engelmann (Frankfurter Kunstverein), Peter Gorschlüter (MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main), Dr. Holger Kube Ventura (Frankfurter Kunstverein), Alexandra Lechner (Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie) and Celina Lunsford (Fotografie Forum Frankfurt).
A comprehensive catalogue MAKING HISTORY is being published by Hatje Cantz.
Frankfurter Kunstverein
Steinernes Haus am Römerberg, Markt 44, 60311 Frankfurt am Main