Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

Walter Paul Bebirian Creates First Ever Gallery Containing ‘The Money Series’

After one year and three months of working diligently, Walter Paul Bebirian (that’s me) has given careful consideration to and establishing for himself, that there’s finally a secure and suitable on-line environment to establish the first ever website Gallery containing “The Money Series 1” images.

Walter Paul Bebirian has chosen as his on-line gallery partner. This step is made in part by Walter Paul Bebirian in order to express both confidence in the Imagekind System’s superior advantages over any other imitations and attempts at presenting art in a totally unique way that is or might attempt to do the same on the Internet. From an artist’s point of view, Imagekind has become the clear leader in the on-line art space through its focus on superior quality, functionality and innovation. The entire system far surpasses what Walter had envisioned any company could ever do! Visitors from all parts of the world are welcome to view these images 24 hours per day 365 days per year and to leave any comments they may feel appropriate to enhance the importance of this exhibit, while taking part in their own way in this historic event!

Purchase inquiries of any prints of the images in this Series in this particular gallery, must be directed to the staff and Imagkind reachable by phone at 1 – 888 – 264 – 1446. Art/greeting cards may be purchased directly through the Imagekind check-out system. Any additional inquiries may be directed to the artist, through the mail system provided at Imagekind for visitors to communicate with the artist directly. We hope you enjoy your visit!

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