The Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center presents Terry Maker. Reckoning an exhibition on view Feb. 18 – June 3, 2012.
Terry Maker. The Garden of Nineveh – Bitter (detail), 2008, resin, shredded U.S. currency, puzzles, bubble wrap, aluminum foil. Courtesy of the artist and Robischon Gallery
Terry Maker’s large-scale installation in the FAC’s signature El Pomar Gallery will be a contemporary, visual interpretation of the Genesis account of the Garden of Eden. Maker will be referencing English literature from William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, T.S. Eliot’s Wasteland, Milton’s Paradise Lost and John Steinbeck’s East of Eden. She will also be creating new work that will include a “Tree of Life” image made out of old movie film.
“Maker is a Boulder artist who’s been exhibiting her extremely original pieces for the past 25 years,” writes Denver weekly, Westword. –