Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

ArtMag Globe Art Music & Performance in the Deutsche Bank Towers

Globe. For Frankfurt and the World is a temporary art space in the Deutsche Bank Towers. Globe accompanies the opening program of Deutsche Bank’s modernized Group Head Office through April 15 and presents itself just as internationally as the art in the Towers.

© Hirsch and Muller

The main focus of Globe is on performance, film, video, and music. Each of the artists invited has planned three evenings together with numerous guests. The series opens with a three-day program by the art band Apparatjik, followed by the British musician Janine Rostron aka Planningtorock. In the weeks to come, Ei Arakawa, Cao Fei, Keren Cytter, Rabih Mroué and The Otolith Group will also make appearances.

The space on the ground floor of the Deutsche Bank Towers, created by Nikolaus Hirsch and Michel Müller, changes its character with each event. The spectrum ranges from café and video lounge to theater and club. Tobias Rehberger has created the design of the Live Safer Bar, while the legendary Robert Johnson Dance Club provides the right sound. Globe was curated by Daniel Birnbaum, Nikolaus Hirsch, Judith Hopf, and Willem de Rooij. Christine Peters is artistic director.

Upcoming events:

March 16–18, 2011
The Otolith Group: A Sunken Trembling, Recalled Dimly

Lise Autogena & Joshua Portway (Newcastle/Bristol)
Rayya Badran (Beirut)
Justin Barton (London)
Dopplereffekt (München)
Mark Fisher (London)
Brian W. Rogers (Santa Cruz)

March 23–25, 2011
Keren Cytter: Fear, Fun and Fire

Charles Arsène-Henry (London)
Diedrich Diederichsen (Berlin/Wien)
Andrew Kerton (Berlin)
Philipp Kleinmichel (Berlin)
Dafna Maimon (Berlin)
Maria and the Mirrors (London)
John Maus (Minneapolis)
Susie Meyer (Berlin)
Fabian Stumm (Berlin)

March 30–April 1, 2011
Cao Fei: A Three Days Treatment

Daniel Birnbaum (Stockholm)
Cao Chong’en (Guangzhou/Vancouver)
He Yufan (Beijing)
Nikolaus Hirsch (Frankfurt am Main)
Huang He (Guangzhou)
Huang Shan (Guangzhou)
Jiang Jun (Beijing)
Jiang Zhi (Beijing/Shenzhen)
Zafka Zhang (Beijing)
Zhang Wei (Beijing/Guangzhou)

April 6–8, 2011
Ei Arakawa: Reorienting Orientationalism, New Directions (Haircolor) International Class 2011

Henning Bohl (Berlin)
Yuki Kimura (Kyoto)
Q Takeki Maeda (Berlin/Kyoto)
Mélanie Mermod (Paris)
Ken Okiishi (New York City)
Carissa Rodriguez (New York City)
Sergei Tcherepnin (New York City)

April 13–15, 2011
Rabih Mroué: Three evenings with Rabih Mroué and friends

Diana Allan (Beirut)
Tony Chakar (Beirut)
Simon Haber (Beirut)
Joana Hadjithomas (Paris)
Khalil Joreige (Paris)
Lamia Joreige (Beirut)
Ziad Nawfal (Beirut)
Maher Abi Samra (Beirut)
Scrambled Eggs (Beirut)

[email protected],
Tel. 069/910-46085

Globe, Deutsche Bank Towers, Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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