Owing to the quality of his painting, his highly original development, the similarity with the works of other artists close to him or with contemporaries, the Venetian Giacomo Favretto (1849-1887) is one of the most important masters of the Italian Nineteenth century. A true “innovator” of the Venetian school during the second half of the century, he both revived and modernised the unique aspects of great Veneto tradition – from Longhi to Tiepolo – that had been abandoned in the first half of the Nineteenth century in favour of paintings of history and landscape. Venice fascination and seduction at Venice Correr Museum, open through 21 November 2010.
This is the first modern day exhibition to be dedicated to Favretto since 1899. Co-produced with the Chiostro del Bramante in Rome as is only right, it has also come to Venice as a more extensive edition with outstanding unpublished works.
There are around eighty works on display. They include the entire range of Favretto’s artistic production, presenting masterpieces that once belonged to the collections of the King of Italy and remarkable works that were, until now, unknown to the public, from museums or private collections. However, the exhibition also pays particular attention to Favretto’s relations and comparisons with other protagonists of Veneto painting during that period, including Ettore Tito, Alessandro Milesi, Guglielmo Ciardi, Luigi Nono …..