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Fine Art PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

Light & Sound Facade Installation on the Royal Throne by Philipp Geist in Bangkok Thailand

Berlin artist Philipp Geist (33) shows video installation on the facade of the royal throne in Bangkok on the occasion of king Bhumibol’s 82nd birthday from Dec 5-13, 2009.

Philipp Geist

The one-hour-show is the central part of the celebrations and will be seen by thousands of visitors. It interprets artistically the king’s life and his work dedicated to public welfare. The art installation combines images of the king and his social projects in the past and present with 3-D-animations of Thai natural and cultural heritage and abstract-painterly passages.

The artist Philipp Geist:
‘I feel honoured to be invited to Bangkok to contribute my work to this very special occasion. The organizers were searching for an artist who has already gained experience in creating big facade installations and who simultaneously has an artistic approach to the representation of diverse cultural themes. By mixing figurative and abstract-pictorial film sequences I want to symbolize the succesful combination of tradition and modernism in the king’s work. I translated natural and cultural characteristics, which I have researched and photographed on visiting Thailand, into my own imagery and embedded them into partly minimal-purist, partly colourful, dreamlike and intangibly fragile compositions.’

The facade installation responds to the 3-dimensionality of the throne, highlights the architectural structure and neutralizes it again. What is emerging is an interplay between the depth of the building, figurative elements, abstract forms and various rhythms, colours and structures.

Das Mapping, also das exakte Zuschneiden der Gesamtkompositionen auf den Palast, wurde technisch umgesetzt von einer Partnerfirma aus Frankreich (Digital Slaves). Die Projektion mithilfe modernster Computer- und Lichttechnik und den derzeit leistungsstärksten Videoprojektoren übernimmt der Technik-Partner der letzten Olympischen Spiele in China. Ein weiterer Bestandteil der Darbietungen ist ein Dokumentationsfilm über den König, der von einem thailändischen Team erstellt wurde. Konzeption und Koordination der Feierlichkeiten liegen bei den Kreativagenturen Kaiser Communications und Fresh Air Festival aus Bangkok.

The 3-D-animations were created on the computer together with Geist’s Berlin team (WeAreChopChop). The mapping of the images, which is the precise tailoring of the total composition to the facade, was developed with a partner organisation from France (Digital Slaves). The projection using state-of-the-art computer- and light technologies and the most powerful video projectors available is realized by the technical partner of the last Olympic Games in China. Part of the show is also a documentary of the king prepared by a team from Thailand. The concept and coordination of the festivity is carried out by the creative agencies Kaiser Communications and Fresh Air Festival from Bangkok.

A big orchestra of 128 international musicians, which has been assembled solely for this purpose, and a choir of 100 persons perform together with the light show. A diverse programme including dance performances guarantees a gigantic, singular experience.

Philipp Geist has realized many facade installations internationally. In 2007, he projected on the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, a museum of modern art in Rome, and in 2008, he realized an installation on the complete piazetta of the Berlin Kulturforum on the occasion of the Long Museum Nights. In 2010, a facade installation and a solo exhibition in Richmond/USA are to follow, as well as a facade installation in Montreal/Canada.

Artist concept facade installation by Studio Philipp Geist

The 4D Show is managed by
Fresh Air Festival and Kaiser Communications Co.,Ltd.(Thailand)

Berlin Animation Team:
wearechopchop (Berlin)
Akitoshi Mizutani
Andreas Nicolas Fischer
Daniel Franke
Sebastian Langnickel

Technical Support/ 3D Mapping: Digital Slaves (France)

CV Philipp Geist

Philipp Geist, born in Witten in 1976, grew up in Weilheim and moved to Berlin in 1999. As an artist and autodidact, he works internationally with the mediums video installation, audio/ visual performance, painting and photography,

Philipp Geist, geboren 1976 in Witten, aufgewachsen in Weilheim (Obb.), lebt seit 1999 in Berlin, als Künstler und Autodidakt. Er arbeitet international in den Medien Videoinstallation, Audio/ Visuelle Performance, Malerei und Fotografie

TEACHING ACTIVITY / LECTURES / scholarship / award

07/09 2010 Arbeitsstipendium Künstlerhaus Lukas
gefördert durch das Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
2009/2010 TU Braunschweig Videoinstallation course
02-06/2009 Berlin Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule BTK – Lecturer
Kurs: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft’ / course: Long Night of Science’
11/2008 Montreal Goethe Institut artist talk
06/2008 Hamburg Elektrohaus artist talk
06/2008 Berlin Universität der Kuenste UdK “videokunst machen zeigen kaufen”
06/2008 Weilheim – Stadtmususeum lectures
05/2008 Berlin – Berliner Technische Universität – Baupiloten
03/2008 Bucharest – Transcities
08/2007 Lecturer for Video/ Film at Camp Festival Dresden
03/2007 Videoabend – Motorhalle Dresden
07/08 2006 Lecturer for Video/ Film at Int. Dresdner Sommerakademie

Exhibitions / Performances / Installations (Selection)

Usa, Richmond, solo exhibition, Gallery Russel Projects
Canada, Montreal Mutek 2010 – outdoor video installation ‘time drifts’
Ahrenshoop Neues Kunsthaus – solo exhibiton
Berlin GalerieM – solo exhibtion
Zagreus Projekt Soloexhibition ‘Tauchgänge’
Reutlingen Sonic Vision Audio / Visual Performance
Geneva Outdoor Video Installation Palais Eynard, Parc des Bastions
Warsaw Zacheta National Gallery WEF09 Audio / Visual Performance
Barcelona EL ESCAPARATE – Birds A_Lighting
St.Petersburg – Permanent Video Installation “Newa”
Oberwesel Rheinpartie/ Luminale – Liquid Memory
Gdansk Soloexhibition Muzeum Narodowe w Gdansku Gdanska Galeria Fotografii
Gdynia, TRANSVIZUALIA Festival, PPNT, Outdoor Installation ‘Mapping’ Project
Eindhoven, Glow Festival, Outdoor Installation ‘timing’
Bangkok, Facade Videoinstallation, Ananta Smakhom Throne Hall, 4d Installation
Time Fades, Kulturforum Berlin;
Broken Time Lines, Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop
Bucharest, Riverine video installation and photoworks
Lighting Times, Museum Weilheim
Australia, Melborne Urban Screens – Riverine Screening
Harmating Galerie Ruf – photoworks
Vienna, white8 Gallery soloexhibition photo works & videostills
Ahrenshoop Neues Kunsthaus Riverine Zones Connected Installation
Bucharest outdoor video installation
Riverine video installation, Three Walls Gallery, Chicago
video installation Time Lines Palazzo delle Esposizioni,Rome |
Neue Nationalgalerie, Salon Noir, Berlin
Athens Synch Festival
Dresden – Motorenhalle Groupexhibition
Zurich; Video Installation Outdoor
Sonar Festival, Barcelona;
Mutek Festival, Montreal
Rome, Dissonanze Festival
Munich, Pinakothek der Moderne Opening Video installation

Further projects are characterized by their complexity and the integration of the location, the sound and moving images.

Geists Projekte sind in erster Linie gekennzeichnet durch ihre Komplexität in der Integration von Raum, Ton und Bewegbild.

please contact for press & pr
Viola Fissek

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Studio Philipp Geist
Post Box PO 080311
10003 Berlin/ Germany

studio +49 30 20605699